  An arhat, seeking refuge in the Buddha, is afraid. Why?An arhat lives in fear of the imminent state ofnothingness, as if it were a man holding a sword comingto cause him harm. Therefore, the arhat does not haveultimate happiness.
  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle greatexpedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra[Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
  All practitioners of Two-Vehicle Buddhism are afraidthat there will be nothing left of them after they enternirvana. They are fearful of total annihilation and theycannot help but harbor a bit of apprehension. Althoughthe Buddha states that entering remainderless nirvanadoes not entail total annihilation, they still feel uneasysince they cannot verify this fact themselves. Therefore,they are still fearful of the complete extinction of theiraggregates [skandhās], sense-fields [ayatanās] andsense-realms [dhātavas]. However, regardless of thisfear, in order to attain the remainderless nirvana, theystill have to enter a state of nothingness resulting fromthe elimination of the aggregates, sense-fields andsense-realms. From the arhats’ viewpoint, the fiveaggregates are enemies, foes, carbuncles, thorns, killersand ought to be extinguished. The five aggregates arelike a man holding a sword intending to cause harm.Indeed they will bind a person to uninterrupted cyclicexistence for uncountable eons. But what will be left inthe remainderless nirvana once the five aggregates areextinguished? The Two-Vehicle practitioners have noidea. The Buddha says the essence of the remainderlessnirvana is real, immutable, and permanent. But what isreally inside the remainderless nirvana? The arhatsremain in the dark. For these reasons, the arhats do nothave ultimate happiness.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra,Vol. 2, pp. 24-25