世尊! 我从今日乃至菩提,摄受正法终不忘失; 何以故? 忘失法者则忘大乘, 忘大乘者则忘波罗蜜,忘波罗蜜者则不欲大乘;若菩萨不决定大乘者,则不能得摄受正法欲、随所乐入,永不堪任越凡夫地;我见如是无量大过,又见未来摄受正法菩萨摩诃萨无量福利故, 受此大受。
  World-Honored One (Bhagavan)! From now on until theattainment of Buddha Bodhi, I will embrace and neverforget Dharma. Why? It is because one who forgets theDharma will forget Mahayana, one who forgets theMahayana will forget Paramita, and one who forgets the Paramita will not desire the Mahayana path.Bodhisattvas who do not resolve to follow the Mahayanaway cannot hold the desire for Dharma, cannot enter intothe joy of Dharma, and can never have the eligibility totranscend the state of ordinary beings. Seeing countless faults as such and also seeing the unlimited benefits forbodhisattvas who will embrace Dharma in the future, Iresolve to take this Great Embracement.The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle greatexpedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra
  Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra
  That is to say that all the vows, the nine great vows asmentioned previously, can be collected within the lastvow, that is, the vow of embracing the virtuous Dharma.“To embrace and never forget the Dharma” will certainlybring one beyond the level of mundane beings and keepone away from the flaws of not embracing the Dharma.Throughout the innumerable future lives, one whoembraces Dharma will become a great enlightenedbodhisattva in each life and therefore quickly achieveBuddhahood. The benefits are immeasurable, so allshould adhere to this Great Embracing.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra,Vol. 1, p. 163
  ◎ “断三缚结应证应转”之“证初果”者,必须有未到地定支持,方能转依成功而获得证转之功德,成为实证之初果人而非因中说果。如是正理,一切学人皆当在意,依此检视自己之实证果德方可开口言己所证;否则皆不免大妄语业,来世必入三涂,学人于此应须知之。
  《涅槃》第一篇〈第四章 声闻涅槃之证转〉
  To attain the First Fruit of the Liberation-Way, a personwho has eliminated the Three Fetters must possess theskill of access concentration [upacāra-samādhi]. Withthat, he can successfully align his mind and behaviorwith this fruition and hence truly derive the benefitsassociated with it. Only then can he be considered anactual realizer of the First Fruit and not someone whoerroneously claims himself to have attained the fruition.All Buddhist learners should take heed of this principleand examine the validity of their own attainments inaccordance with it. Otherwise, one will inevitably incurthe karma of grievous false speech and fall into the threeevil paths in future lifetimes as a result. All Buddhistlearners should understand this principle and the severeconsequence of its disregard.
  Chapter 4 The realization and alignment of SravakaNirvana, Part I of Nirvana