正觉电子报第90期 扉页等
布施是道场, 不望报故;
持戒是道场, 得愿具故;
忍辱是道场, 于诸众生心无碍故;
精进是道场, 不懈退故;
禅定是道场, 心调柔故;
智慧是道场, 现见诸法故。
Giving is the bodhimanda (the way towardsBuddhahood), because of expecting no reward. Keepingthe precepts is the bodhimanda (the way towardsBuddhahood), because of achieving aspirationscompletely. Patience is the bodhimanda (the way towardsBuddhahood), because of having no hindrance in themind while interacting with sentient beings. Diligence isthe bodhimanda (the way towards Buddhahood), because
of practicing without laziness or regression. Meditativeconcentration (samadhi) is the bodhimanda (the waytowards Buddhahood), because of being flexible andadaptable. Prajna is the bodhimanda (the way towardsBuddhahood), because of directly perceiving that alldharmas arise from the ultimate reality.
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 1
The Tathagatagarbha contains all dharmas. However, alldharmas cannot include it, because the Tathagatagarbhahas its own unique dharmas which are not contained inall dharmas.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol.3, p.5
◎ 佛陀入灭后的佛法住持,是以诸地菩萨为中心,不是以声闻无学为中心。
平实导师著,《胜鬘经讲记》第一辑,正智出版社,2008 年11 月初版首刷,页231。