正觉电子报第110期 扉页等
世尊! 我从今日乃至菩提,于内外法不起悭心。
World-Honored One! I, from this very day tillattaining Buddhahood, give no rise to stinginess onthe inner or outer dharma.
The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle greatexpedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra [SrimaladeviSimhanada Sutra]
One who gives rise to stinginess on the inner dharmawill be fairly slow in his advance on the dharma path,because he is unable to benefit and guide sentientbeings to accomplish the Buddhahood-Way. The fastest way of attaining Buddhahood is to maturesentient beings diligently and to pull them forward rapidly. As the sentient beings go forward morerapidly, these causes and conditions will make his causes and conditions of attaining Buddhahood maturemore quickly, and therefore he has to attain Buddhahood ahead of time. This is where his greatvirtues come from.
A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra, Vol.1, pp.140-141