正觉电子报第102期 扉页等
尔时维摩诘谓众菩萨言:“诸仁者! 云何菩萨入不二法门? 各随所乐说之。”
会中有菩萨名法自在,说言:“诸仁者! 生灭为二。法本不生, 今则无灭; 得此无生法忍, 是为入不二法门。”
Then Vimalakirti said to all the bodhisattvas,“Bodhisattvas! What does it mean by bodhisattvasentering the dharma-gate of non-duality? Please speakfreely.” Bodhisattva Dharmê?vara [Bodhisattva withMastery in Dharmas] in the congregation said,“Bodhisattvas! Arising and ceasing are two dharmas.The Dharma is inherently non-arising, so there is noceasing. Those who realize and rest in the non-arisingdharma hence are the ones who have entered thedharma-gate of non-duality.”
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Because the Dharma is inherently non-arising, theDharma is Tathagatagarbha, and the Tathagatagarbhathat is neither arising nor ceasing includes all dharmas ofarising-and-ceasing aggregates, sense-fields, andsense-realms, it is said that all dharmas are non-arising;it is because when all dharmas collect and return to theTathagatagarbha, all dharmas are Tathagatagarbha. TheDharma is inherently non-arising, so it is non-ceasing,either. The one who has realized this non-arising dharmaand is able to patiently persevere with it is hence said tohave entered the dharma-gate of non-duality. Therefore,the dharma of bodhisattvas is non-dualistic while thedharma of sound-hearers is dualistic.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 5, p. 62