On Practice XXVIII【修行 (二十八) -英文】
People may have bad habits, but they are not necessarily evil. Everyone is under the influence of varying degrees of habitual tendencies hence wrongdoing is inevitable. As long as the wrongdoer is willing to follow the Buddha’s teachings, be as tolerant and forgiving as possible. There is no need to regard him/her as evil.
A little story: A had a habit of spitting all over the place and B tended to be suspicious. One day A spit in front of B. B was skeptical A did it because he looked down upon him and started a brawl. C knew about their personalities and came to mediate. Both realized they had been wrong and were determined to change. In the end, A stopped spitting and B overcame his suspiciousness.
Some people are in the habit of talking about others whenever they open their mouth. They do not do it intentionally because they do not know they are indeed "gossiping". This kind of habitual pattern is the result of continual repetition through the eons.
Another story: There were two people. One was beautiful and the other was ugly. The latter knew her deficiency. She tried to imitate the former and patch up with heavy make-up. The result was quite the opposite to what she wished. She might as well accept the fact and let it be.
We cannot expect someone to govern a nation well if he cannot even handle his own family affairs. We practitioners should get rid of our negative habitual patterns as well as all the bad seeds of vexation of ignorance first and then will we be able to nurture virtues and meritorious qualities to lead the assembly and touch and convert the other beings.
The worst of our habitual tendencies caused by ignorance is that we only see the mistakes of others, but seldom reflect on the shortcomings of our own.
Due to a lack of trials through hardships, those growing up under protective parents are most likely to become immature and weak in character. On the other hand, those who have to fight for living tend to be more courageous and capable. For example, the little monkeys held closely by their mothers might be smothered while those who live independently in the jungles survive well. This is also true in our practice: the best conditions for practice are adverse conditions. That's why those who are most proficient in forbearance usually have experienced numerous circumstances that require their utmost tolerance. Therefore, adverse conditions should be regarded as challenging components aiding our practice.
------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)