On Practice XXIX【修行 (二十九) -英文】
We practitioners should not allow old habits and set patterns to take charge of our lives. If we do, not only will we be unable to make any progress in practice, but we also will create speech karma. "What one eats feeds oneself only. Similarly, the cycle of births and deaths can only be ended by ourselves." Nobody--not any of your loving family members or even your son--can die (or live) for you. 
Nowadays, most people, either lay practitioners or monastics, live a very comfortable life. Unfortunately, such enjoyable life may easily lead to being unchalant and wayward, which may likely bring about calamities. If one clings to the visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and mental objects, hence spoils this physical body, s/he is also to suffer from all sorts of sickness.
To practice is to relinquish our attachments to physical gratification and live a simple life. If we are contented with simple food and clothing, we will be happy all the time. On the other hand, if we pay too much attention to the qualities of food, clothing, and housing, etc., then we will be no different from an ordinary person. Only by relinquishing all our attachments to physical satisfaction can we expect to eliminate our greed, anger and ignorance. A lavish lifestyle may induce more desire and arouse greediness. In due course, the five skandhas  (form, sensations, perceptions, volition, and consciousness) will have a firm grip of both our body and our mind. And as we immerse ourselves in the evil world of five turbidities, we can never feel at ease. Thus, "relinquishing attachments to the body" should begin with simplifying our clothing, food, and living conditions.
Practice should begin with consuming only "simple food and clothing". Unfortunately, people nowadays tend to pay a great deal of attention to what they eat or wear and often preoccupy themselves all day long for this. That we are born into the human forms is to reduce the negative karma, but we have drained our merits and wisdom accumulated in previous lives in profligate spending. Then, the karmic obstructions will naturally come forth.
What is the essence of "simple food and clothing"? It doesn't mean that we should give up food or clothes. Instead, it’s about filling our stomach without caring about the quality, taste, or varieties of the food and keeping ourselves warm without caring about the design or style. As for sleep, we should just get enough sleep so as to be energetic. We shouldn’t oversleep lest we feel slumberous. If we insist on the extremes of no food or sleep, we may hurt our health and won’t feel at ease with our body and mind, which may totally destroy the purpose of becoming monastics..
Secular people are often driven blindly by the five desires. They are willing to kill just to satisfy their palate or get the nutrient, not caring to know they might be eating the flesh of their closest relatives from previous lives. Besides, they have to pay double for the meat taken. No one can escape the cause and effect. We have acquired human form in this life, but if we are still confined to the vicious cycle of dunning for and repaying debts we will be forever imprisoned in the cyclic existence, unless we practice diligently in search for the way out.
Do not crave for more than we actually need. All we require is enough to sustain our life. If we try to eat more just because there is plenty food available, it only reflects the greediness of our mind. However, don't deliberately eat less and starve ourselves, for this is also a form of attachment. How much we should eat depends on how much we need. Therefore, we should just have enough food and, make no distinction of taste or quality.
Eat only to sustain our life. If we indulge ourselves in the pursuit of satisfying our palate, our mouth enslaves us, which will increase not only the burden of our digestive system but also our sense of illusion, dispersion, and attachment. Life should be simple: eat so that we won't starve and wear so that we can cover ourselves and keep warm.
------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)