On Practice XXXII【修行 (三十二) -英文】
Monastic practitioners should concentrate on practice; nothing else should distract their attention. Lay people who do not realize the need for practices are living in illusive dreams, their mind fettered and bugged by incessant vexations. They dream not only in their sleep but also during the day. Their lives are like movies and time slips by as they drift aimlessly. To them, life is nothing but a longer dream.
It is not easy or just by coincidence that we acquire this human existence. Seize this opportunity and practice diligently so as to eradicate our sense of greed and free ourselves from the agony of birth, aging, disease, and death, hence the cycle of rebirths. With this human existence, we can either practice to attain buddhahood or bodhisattvahood, or generate negative karma that would lead to rebirth in the three evil divisions (beasts, hungry ghosts, and hell). Whether we will ascend or descend within the ten dharma realms depends on our conduct in this human rebirth. Therefore, human existence is such a crucial turning point that it should not be taken lightly, nor be wasted in vain.
When reciting the name of the Buddha, pronounce each word distinctly with full concentration. Further, vow to be reborn in the Pureland so as to escape this world of suffering.
Within the limitless void, the world of human beings resembles a grain of sand. If there are as many worlds as there are grains of sand in the Ganges, and if all beings of these worlds are willing to recite the Buddha's name, they can all be reborn in the Western Pureland.
There are limits to the merits and virtuous rewards we can enjoy in this world. But the transmundane virtues we attain through practice will invigorate our buddha-nature, unfold our wisdom, and help us retrieve our true nature. It is by no means easy to be monastic practitioners, as we have to endure immeasurable hardships. But such endurance will help us remove the massive karmic obstructions that have been accumulated through the eons. Only by doing so will we be able to eradicate all our negative karma, be reborn in the Western Pureland, see the Buddha-nature and ultimately attain buddhahood.
"Another day is over and our lives are one day short. Just like the fish in a drying pond, how much longer can they have joy?" Indeed, we do not realize that our lives are drawing closer to an end each day, but we do not know where we are going after we die, just like the fish in a drying pond that are still swimming without worries, not realizing their imminent extinction. Therefore, we should constantly remind ourselves not to lessen our vigilance. Practice diligently so that we can be reborn in the Pureland.
A diligent practitioner is just like an old farmer who tills in the field all day and can joyfully rest at home after the sun goes down. The Pureland is our ultimate home and resting-place.
We monastic practitioners should not be afraid of death because there is the Pureland to look forward to. We should also attain the level in our practice at which we can easily untie our minds from all worldly concerns and can resolve all difficulties with a simple change of perception.
------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)