正觉电子报第95期 扉页等
----《维摩诘所说经》卷 2
In spite of practicing imagelessness, bodhisattvas liberate sentient beings; this is the bodhisattva practice.
----Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
----《维摩诘经讲记》第四辑,页 24
Therefore, although the true reality Tathagatagarbha is imageless, it possesses all dharmas and enables you to gradually perfect the All-Seed-Prajna, because it can generate all dharmas through its flow of seeds. For this reason, bodhisattvas practice imagelessness, but liberate sentient beings in imagelessness--possessing myriad phenomena in imagelessness to liberate sentient beings--this is the real bodhisattva practice.
----A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p. 24
平实导师著,《胜鬘经讲记》第一辑,正智出版社, 2008年 11月初版首刷,页 306。