All sentient beings own merits, virtues, and the great power ofsovereign independence. Even they are born in the dangerous anddifficult places, yet their Alaya Consciousnesses always dwell inthem to depend and rest upon.
Mahayana Secret Sublime Sutra, Vol. 2
解脱界虽是无为界,但却是同具无漏有为法与无漏无为法的。如何是无漏有为法呢?譬如阿罗汉已经断尽思惑,成就无漏,实证无漏法了;但他们在入灭以前,仍然具有接触五尘及行来去止、领受苦乐等功能,这些都是在亲证有余涅槃的解脱功能下,仍然继续存在的无记法,使阿罗汉可以继续存在人间依止 释迦世尊,这是第一类无漏有为法。阿罗汉们舍寿之前,仍有意识心存在而拥有解脱的证境以及解脱道的智慧,也具有利乐众生同证解脱的功能,这就是第二类无漏有为法。既有如是二类的无漏有为法,当然是有意识可以领受解脱境界的:自知已不再被三界生死系缚了。所以说阿罗汉们所证的无为也是有界的—有解脱的功能差别存在著—所以名为解脱界,是函盖断界、无欲界、灭界的。
Although the liberation realm is a non-active realm, it possessesboth flawless active dharmas and flawless non-active dharmas. Whatare the flawless active dharmas? For example, arhats have completelyeliminated the delusion on attachments, attained flawlessness, andactually realized the flawless dharmas. But prior to enteringremainderless nirvana, they continue to possess the functions oftouching the five sense-objects, moving around or resting,experiencing and perceiving pain or comfort, and so on. These allneutral dharmas continue existing under the liberation functions,which come with personal realization of the nirvana with remainder,and they allow arhats to still survive in the human world to takerefuge in Sakyamuni, the World-Honored One. These are the firstcategory of flawless active dharmas. Before arhats pass away, withthe conscious mind still existing, they can abide in liberatedrealization state and possess the wisdom of the Liberation-Way, andthey also have the functions to benefit other sentient beings inachieving the liberation together. These are the second category offlawless active dharmas. With these two types of flawless activedharmas, arhats surely have the mind-consciousness to experience thestate of liberation: knowing that they themselves are no longerbound by the life-and-death of the three-realms. That is why thenon-activeness realized by arhats is said to have the realm – withthe existence of functional distinctions on liberation – namely, theliberation realm, which includes the elimination realm, non-desirerealm, and extinction realm.
The Correct Meanings of the Agama Sutras,Vol. 5