World-Honored One! There are two kinds of wisdom ofemptiness with reference to the Tathāgatagarbha.World-Honored One! The Tathāgatagarbha that is emptyis separate from, free from, and distinct from all thestores of afflictions. World-Honored One! TheTathāgatagarbha that is not empty is not separate from,not free from, and not distinct from the inconceivableBuddha-dharmas more numerous than the sands of theGanges River.
The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the Single-VehicleGreat Expedience, the Corrective and Extensive Sutra[Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
Translation of the scriptural passage was adapted from Diana Paul’srendition, p.37. [Paul, D. (2004). The Sutra of Queen Srīmālā of the Lion’s Roar. Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for BuddhistTranslation and Research.]
In regard to “emptiness,” there are two distinct concepts:“emptiness qua nature” and “emptiness qua characteristic.”Emptiness qua nature refers to the “Tathāgatagarbha that isnot empty.” This emptiness is a real essence, not theemptiness in the teaching that “all dependently arisenphenomena are empty of an intrinsic nature.” That is why this “emptiness qua nature” refers to “the Tathāgatagarbhathat is not empty.” In other words, the teaching that “alldependently arisen phenomena are empty of an intrinsic nature” describes the absence of a real essence inconditioned phenomena, whereas the “emptiness that is theTathāgatagarbha” has a real essence. Therefore, this “emptiness” of real essence cannot be equated with the“emptiness” that characterizes the teaching that “alldependently arisen phenomena are empty of an intrinsic nature.” The second concept of emptiness is “emptinessqua characteristic.” Dependently arisen phenomena suchas the aggregates (skandhas), sense-fields (āyatanas), elements (dhātus), and so forth are all subject toimpermanence. Because they are subject to impermanence,they consistently exhibit the Dharma characteristics ofarising, abiding, changing, and extinction—with arisingalways followed by extinction; hence they are delineatedas “emptiness qua characteristic.” Since this “emptiness qua characteristic” is nevertheless attributed to theTathāgatagarbha, it is called “the Tathāgatagarbha that isempty.”
A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra,Vol. 4, pp. 261-262 