正觉电子报第104期 扉页等
所未闻经闻之不疑, 不与声闻而相违背。
A bodhisattva does not doubt any sutra which hehas never heard before; however, its teachings must not contradict the sound-hearer [sravaka]dharma.
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Therefore, in order to have the wholesome root ofhearing a sutra without any doubt, one should makesure that the sutra’s teachings do not deviate from thesound-hearer dharma. Without this premise, one wouldbelieve in non-Buddhist texts that begin with thewords “Thus have I heard,” and eventually end upstudying non-Buddhism instead of Buddhism. Asutra can only be authentic if it does not contradict thesound-hearer dharma. In fact, the sutras ofprajna series and the sutras of vijnana-only series inthe third round of dharma-transmission donot violate at all the sound-hearer Liberation Way ofTwo Vehicles expounded in the four Agamas, but areeven more wondrous.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 6, pp.14-15