On Practice XXIV【修行 (二十四) -英文】
Those who like to gossip and cause speech karma are descrimitive and judgemental themselves anyways. 
Avert words so as to avoid misdeeds. When we speak, we should make the point and cut all unnecessary remarks.
Do not gossip. Gossip leads to failure; gossip makes people feel restless.
Before making any comments, consult our consciousness first.
Don't fall in the habbit of finding fault with others, or making unnecessary comments. As soon as the words are uttered, we are in the wrong and have created negative karma of words. Therefore, it is very important for practitioners to be watchful of what they say.
Some people can easily make others feel vexed, baffled, or losing themselves when they talk. These same people are also prone to insist on others complying with their wishes, though they themselves are reluctant to listen to others. As a result, their ignorance is brought forth, they become vexed,and have difficulties in sorting it out by themselves.
Be watchful of our thoughts all the time: curb the arising of any clinging thoughts and unnecessary chattering. There are enough tainted seeds to confine us in the cycle of rebirths. Do not plant more. Discuss Buddhadharma if any conversation is necessary and vow to be reborn in the Pure Land.
When we are troubled, do not try to find someone to talk to, because it will cause more trouble than do any good. We might as well use the time to perform prostration and worship Buddha, which will alleviate our karmic obstructions thereby reduce our vexations.
Teachers who constantly speak highly of us or give us compliments are not wise. On the contrary, those who criticize us or give us hard times, be it right or wrong, are our true virtuous mentors and can truly help us with our practice. When reproaching us, the latter are providing us with chances to reflect on ourselves and strengthen our practice. So when we are reprimanded, not only should we feel ashamed and repent for causing the hindrance of karma in our previous lives, but also should we reaffirm our vows and practice even more diligently. Only by doing so can we expect to make progress on our Dharma pursuing path.
"Do not detest those whom are detested by others; do not question or criticize those whom are questioned or criticized by others." When others foster negative affinities, do not follow. We should be indiscriminative, having our own standard and having the ability to make independent judgment. In this way, we will foster good affinities with others, which is essential because "before attaining buddhahood, we have to foster good karmic affinities with sentient beings."
------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)