On Practice XXII【修行 (二十二) -英文】
受到别人攻击或批评,应当忍受。即使是受冤枉,也得忍,甚至还要感谢人家让你有机会修 ‘忍辱’。‘无忍不成道’,能忍的人才是智者。
Be patient and tolerant when under attack or criticism, even when falsely accused. We shall even be grateful for the opportunities to practice "forbearance". "No attainment in practice is possible without forbearance." Those who can bear insult without resentment are having wisdom.
Forbearance does not mean that we should keep reminding ourselves "I have to tolerate this," or feeling "I am being patient." If there are such thoughts, we are still clinging to the "appearance" of forbearance. Practice to the extent that external circumstances will have no bearing on either your emotions or your mind. For example, when people reprimand you, you do not feel being reproached. This is true no-appearance hence genuine, forbearance.
We should express our repentance when others insist that we are wrong, even though we might be in the right. Part of the purpose of practice is to acquire such forbearance.
Be tolerant even when others blame us for faults that we are not responsible for. Regard it as a good opportunity to practice "forbearance" and "no-self".
Do not regard those who attack, criticize, or reprimand us as evil. From the perspective of practice, they are providing us with advantage from adversities that can help our endeavors. Those who know how to transform the state of mind will use these opportunities to exercise forbearance and attain a higher stage in their practice. They will also feel grateful because these adversities are virtues and wisdom upon which they can depend to be reborn in the Pure Land. Therefore, when facing blame, criticism, or accusation, we should accept it and endure it instead of weeping about it. Otherwise, we are just being foolish!
Only when being able to bear all distresses can we expect to make progress in practice. Repent to our accusers even though we are in the right. If you were able to do this, you have attained a certain skills in practice.
If we can tolerate insults, bullying, and being taken advantage of without seeking retribution or being vexed, not only will we eradicate our karmic obstructions but also will we attain instant peace of the mind. And as we are free of vexations, our merits and wisdom will grow.
------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)