正觉电子报第94期 扉页等
虽乐远离, 而不依身心尽,是菩萨行。
Although bodhisattvas enjoy being away from alldharmas, they do not allow the extinction of thebody and mind. This is the bodhisattva’s behavior.
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Even though bodhisattvas do not have any greed orattachment for any dharma, enjoy being away fromany dharma and do not grasp or cling to any dharma,they have no desire to extinguish the body and mindto enter nirvana. Therefore, bodhisattvas must resolveto bring forth the bodhi mind.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p.17
◎ 知见的错误以及教导错误的知见,都是弘法者极严重的事;因为三界有情之所以会成就种种恶业,都是因为知见的错误所导致。所以经中才会说:错误的知见是最大的罪恶。……佛说:这样作的人, 比使用毒药毒死众生的罪更重。… … 这个邪见种子都会不断的现前,他们可能会在来世谤佛、谤法,沈坠于三恶道中,难回人间;这一万个人被害是无量世的,是很恐怖的。
平实导师著,《胜鬘经讲记》第一辑,正智出版社,2008 年11月初版首刷,页278。