What are called various divisions? They are the eye division, visualobject division, eye-consciousness division, ear division, audibleobject division, ear-consciousness division, nose division,olfactory object division, nose-consciousness division, tonguedivision, gustatory object division, tongue-consciousness division,body division, tactile object division, body-consciousness division,mind-root division, mental object division and mind-consciousnessdivision. These are various divisions.
Samyukta-Agama Sutra, Vol. 16
The mind-root is really very difficult for one to understand it andobserve its behavior; moreover, there are so many differences amongvarious phases of mind-consciousness. All the “great” masters areignorant of those facts and thus have extensively misled Buddhistlearners. Therefore, it becomes very difficult for practitioners toeliminate self-view and self-attachment. That is why we cannot findany srotaapanna (a practitioner of the first grade of arhatship, whohas eliminated self-view) everywhere in the current dharma-endingage.
The Correct Meanings of The Agama Sutras, Vol. 1