正觉电子报第57期 (扉页)
Now I have preached the Wondrous Samadhi on Seeing the Nature ofReality, and if Bodhisattvas hear of this dharma, they will be ableto get enlightened soon and reach the other shore. Why? This samadhidemonstrates that the intrinsic-nature of all dharmas is neitherbeing nor nothingness. There is no dharm  a attainable for Pudgalas(sentient beings who repeatedly take rebirth journeys); those whoattain any dharmas are not enlightened.
The Collective Sutra of Father and Son, Volume 20
In remainderless-nirvana, there is not any dharma of theeighteen-divisions of sense, and is completely no self.Nevertheless, there is an imperishable Reality all alone. ThisOriginal Reality, sometimes named Self, Thus, Reality, or GreatBrahma, etc., exists alone in remainderless-nirvana, independent ofall dharmas of the three-realms. It is not subject to any state ofmind, nor does   It have self and the belongings of self withinthree-realms. Due to the existence of Original Reality,remainderless-nirvana is not nihilistic.
The Correct Meanings of “The Agama Sutras,” Vol. 1