  世尊! 我从今日乃至菩提,若见捕养众恶律仪及诸犯戒, 终不弃舍; 我得力时,于彼彼处见此众生应折伏者而折伏之, 应摄受者而摄受之; 何以故? 以折伏摄受故, 令法久住; 法久住者,天人充满、恶道减少, 能于如来所转法轮而得随转, 见是利故救摄不舍。
  World-Honored One! From now until I attainBuddhahood, when I see those involved inharmful occupations related to hunting or raisinganimals, or committing other offenses against theprecepts, I will never forsake them. When I obtain
  extraordinary power, I will subdue those whoshould be subdued and embrace those who shouldbe embraced wherever I see such sentient beings.Why? Because by subduing and embracing them,one brings about the enduring presence of the
  Dharma. When the Dharma endures, devas andhumans shall flourish and the evil destinies shalldiminish in number, as they can go along with theDharma wheel that is turned by the Tathagata. Forthese benefits, I shall never cease saving andteaching those sentient beings.
  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle great expedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra
  [Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
  In order to ensure the enduring presence of true Dharma, it is necessary to devise multiple kinds of expedient means to subdue those with erroneous views and embrace those with correct views. Subduing those with erroneous views is to stop them from defaming the true Dharma; embracing those with correct views is to awaken them to True Reality. In so doing, the true Dharma can prevail over an extensive period of time. Therefore, bodhisattvas must commit themselves to two acts: the first is to subdue people with erroneous views by refuting false concepts and highlighting the correct Dharma; the second is to expand the venues for Buddhist cultivation and enable those with correct understanding and right conditions to achieve awakening. Doing so will secure the enduring presence of true Dharma.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra, Vol. 1, p. 157