正觉电子报第92期 扉页等
非凡夫行, 非贤圣行, 是菩萨行。
A bodhisattva’s behavior is neither the ordinary person’sbehavior nor the saint’s or sage’s behavior. It is thebodhisattva’s behavior.
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Arhats do not know where Tathagatagarbha is. They canonly see the five aggregates [skandhas] and the eighteensense-realms [eighteen dhatavahs]. When one observesfrom the viewpoint of the five aggregates and theeighteen sense-realms, definitely there are ordinarypeople, saints and sages. However, when bodhisattvasobserve from the viewpoint of the Tathagatagarbha,there is no ordinary person, saint, or sage. This isbecause ordinary people, saints and sages relate to thefive aggregates and the eighteen sense-realms, but there
is no ordinary person, saint, or sage in theTathagatagarbha.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 3, p. 321
导 师 法 语
◎ 真正的菩萨行,布施以后不要希望回报。你不希望回报,自然会有回报,又增加另一个功德;希望回报就没有功德,只剩下世间福德。
平实导师著,《维摩诘经讲记》第二辑,正智出版社,2008 年元月初版首刷,页316。