正觉电子报第62期 (扉页)
The store consciousness dwells in the body, collecting andtreasuring every seed. It holds the life, warmth and consciousnesspervasively like the cloud covering the mundane world. Its deeds andfunctions have never ceased, but sentient beings are unaware.
Mahayana Secret Sublime Sutra, Vol. 2
The nature of knowing of consciousness, including the intrinsicnature of alertness or intuition, is actually an illusory naturewhich results from the collaboration of mental functions-fivepervasive functions (sarvatraga) and five specific associates(viniyata) in the conscious mind. In fact, the so-called intuitionalreaction said by those who get untrue enlightenment in Mahayana ChanSchool, and the intuition that dharma-master Yinshun took for thecontent of realizing true mind, are all the mental functionsresulting from the collaboration of seven mind-king consciousnesses.Therefore, they are all arising and ceasing dharmas.
The Correct Meanings of the Agama Sutras, Vol. 1