[The Buddha said to Sāriputra,] “If there are living beingswho, following the Buddha, the World-Honored One,hear the Dharma and receive it in faith, who apply themselves and make great effort, seeking all knowledge,Buddha wisdom, natural wisdom, the wisdom that needsno teacher, as well as the Tathagata’s insight, powers, and fearlessness, and who pity and comfort innumerableliving beings, enrich human and heavenly beings, andliberate them all, they will be called the followers of the Great Vehicle. Because bodhisattvas seek this vehicle,they are called great enlightened beings [mahāsattvas].They are like the children who came out of the burning house in hopes of getting an ox carriage.”
The Lotus Sutra
Translation of the scriptural passage is based upon the rendition of Gene Reeves, The Lotus Sutra: A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classics, (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2008), 117.
The other name of “Buddha wisdom” is“knowledge-of-all-aspects (sarvākārajnatā),” that is,knowledge of all the different functions of the eight consciousnesses. Since these functions are stored withinthe tathāgatagarbha, this knowledge is also referred to asthe knowledge of all the seeds (bīja) contained within thetathāgatagarbha. The knowledge-of-all-aspects can begenerally divided into four categories: the great perfectmirror wisdom (mahadarsajnana), the wisdom of specificknowledge (prataveksanajnana), the wisdom of equality(samatajnana), and the wisdom of achieving activities(krtanusthanajnana). When you have just awakened tothe True Mind, what kind of wisdom have you acquired?It is the wisdom of the essential nature of thedharma-realm (dharmadhātusvabhāvaj?āna), becausewhat you have realized is the essential nature of thedharma-realm. What is the essential nature of thedharma-realm? It is the nature of the tathāgatagarbha.Once you have realized the tathāgatagarbha, you willpossess the wisdom of the essential nature of thedharma-realm. From having acquired this wisdom, youwill also attain the low level wisdom of specificknowledge and an elementary portion of the wisdom of equality. When these four kinds of wisdom have beenfully attained through continuous cultivation, they will becollectively referred to as “Buddha wisdom.”
A Discourse on the Lotus Sutra, vol. 5, p. 38 