正觉电子报第103期 扉页等
德顶菩萨曰:“垢、净为二。见垢实性, 则无净相, 顺于灭相。是为入不二法门。”
Bodhisattva srīkūta [Highest Virtue] said: “Defilementand purity are a duality. Seeing the real nature ofdefilement, one finds no purity appearance and then
conforms to tranquility appearance, which is calledentering the dharma-gate of non-duality.”
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Both defilement and purity belong to theTathagatagarbha; however, Tathagatagarbha itselfnever discriminates between defilement and purity.Observing all dharmas from this intrinsic nature ofTathagatagarbha, one will find it is neither defiled norpure, and both defilement and purity are just nominallyestablished by the conscious mind. If one understandsthat the real nature of both defilement and purity isdharmas in Tathagatagarbha which is neither defilednor pure, he will find there is no defilement or purityappearance to say; he will forever stay away fromeither defilement or purity and thus be able to conformo the tranquility appearance, which is called enteringthe dharma-gate of non-duality.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 5, pp. 69-70